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Drama. Comedy. Amazing.
The 3 words i will use to describe this life.
The life of Derrick.

hello there! I have relocated to desperate-derrick.blogspot.com. Come take a look at the wonderful world of Derrick See!

im back!
Yes thats right! Im back! I am so excited to start blogging again! And this time im going to focus more on issues. Issues which i believe are crucial to our society and should be looked into. Maybe i will blog a lil about my life. After all, it is full of drama n comedy and you people just love to get a scoop of other people's life so i shall not deprive you of that. But thats not the point. The point is to talk about these issues. And on my debut return post, i shall talk about this issue which i just cant believe is happening. The issue of the tissue paper booking system.

You know i heard about it from my sister and from Jason Hahn's books(read them! they are drop dead hilarious!) but i never really seen it in action so i thought maybe it doesnt happen often. But to my horror, on my first day of temp work at raffles place(yes.. i will talk about my exciting job some other time), when i went to amoy street hawker centre to eat, tissue paper packets were EVERYWHERE.

I don't mean on the floor. It was lying on all the chairs. I was absolutely shocked. Not so about how audacious and inconsider singaporeans are to use tissue paper packets to book their seats, but of how we singaporeans actually ACCEPT it and allow it to happen.

It's absolutely amazing. I know singaporeans are often inconsiderate and not very friendly people(land of 4 million smiles?! PUI). I have learnt to accept that. But the fact that singaporeans actually allow this booking system to be put in place either proves that my previous theory is wrong and that singaporeans are actually considerate and patient and understanding, or we are just plain stupid.

After much thinking, i just know the former is impossible. My 21 years here have shown me that. Just walk into any bus or train in the morning and say 'Good morning!' to any singaporean. You will then realise in the Singapore dictionary, there is no such thing as a good morning. You will only get a black face to 'brighten up' your day.

So it has to be the latter. Singaporeans are stupid. I hate to admit it, being a singaporean myself. But can there be another explanation to why we acknowledge such a stupid booking system?

The worst part of it all is that even though i think it's stupid, i comply to it as well, walking in circles around the hawker centre hoping to find an empty table when there are empty tables everywhere. Oh wait. They aren't empty. They are occupied. By Tissue Papers!

Today i write this entry to revive not only my blog, but to revive my personal relationship with Jesus. Honestly speaking, i have been experience a form of spiritual dryness the past few months. During these few months, i heard almost nothing from God. This led to zero growth. However all this changed last night as i felt the infilling of the holy spirit flood my heart once again during prayer at the NS brothers' night.

Never have i heard the Holy Spirit speaking so loudly. Never have I felt the Holy Spirit tugging my heart so strongly. Never have i been filled with so much conviction, so much desperation, so much love. All i could do was declare the Word, break down in tears, and welcome the Holy Spirit back.

Think this is a taboo? Well it shouldn't be. Spiritual dryness is experienced by almost every christian, especially leaders of the flock. It is not surprising to hear pastors leaving ministry to take a sabbatical. So if you are experiencing some form of spiritual dryness, don't give up. Hold on to God's promises and he will lead you out of the desert. Be an overcomer, not a leaver.

I cant believe 4 days 3 nights passed so so fast... ARGH!!! I always wondered how are we suppose to worship for eternity... Now i know.. Bcos we were created to do that and it just comes so natural... Argh!!! Wish the camp was forever... hehe that will be when we reach the finish line!

I think this camp is very different from other camp. One thing is that i think it will change how our church functions in future, for the better of cos. For when we are spirit led, not only are we following God's plan, we will be empowered to do greater things than what the Acts churches did.

Another reason is that its a very self reflecting camp. As in through this camp, you will know how is your spiritual life. Bcos if you are not receiving any word from God, you are probably spiritually dry. The word can only come if your spiritual ears are open as they are not from the words of the speaker or the worship leader.

So many reflections... So many revelations... So many breakthroughs...

Im currently on attend C which means i got a mc from friday to monday. Therefore my break this week is 4 days long! Sounds good right? Not really... The only reason why i got such a long break is because my fever was really really high since friday. Ever since i reach home on friday, my fever soared to 39.5. It stayed at that temperature though the night and through the entire saturday. I was so worried it was dengue i decided to go SGH A&E. Why? Bcos its the nearest government hospital to my house and its free(the only incentive you can get out of the saf so abuse it!)

So the doc said its not dengue bcos i didnt vomit and had no rash and joint pains. So he gave me more paracetemol(i have never eaten so much panadol in my life...) Went back home to my bed... have been lying there since friday bcos everytime i get up, everything starts to spin. Fell asleep while msging my guys on cg details... before i could msg the second person, i fell asleep... amazing right...

Woke up this morning. Fever subsided. Looked at handphone. Flooded with msges. Read them. Felt so loved! hehe thank you guz for caring so much. Want to thank everyone for their prayers, especially from my cg since i heard they all prayed for me together. Thanks guys!

block leave
just got back from Hongkong. Great trip. Got time to chill out. Do some shopping. Talk to harry and my sister. It was just fun. Got to watch brokeback as well. Kinda sick and boring. Im so happy i managed to do so many things in this block leave. Btw i got posted to MILITARY POLICE. Ok duno whether im suppose to be happy :P I hope you guz like your posting!

the best thing in the world
without doubt, one of the best feelings in the world is to sit down in front of your computer with absolutely nothing to do, watching time pass me by... seriously.. nothing beats it...

Anyway the askariff.blogspot.com is doing really well. Apparently it is spreading throughout bmtc school, thanks to my commanders. I believe it will be reaching the CO soon. hehe. Anyway it is looking great. People are going there to shout out their greetings to their friends which is great.

Whats even better is that i have not got a bad comment for it yet! In fact everyone loves it! Even civilians! Like my sister. She found it so good that she claim i should compile all my jokes into a book and send it to the publisher who published the singlish dictionary. She claims it will definitely sell in singapore and will make me some money in this 2 years of ns... talk about making the best out of this 2 years. Publishing a book under my name would definitely be a big thing! hehe. dreams... i will probably try to make it happen if i get a clerical job and have lots of time to compile these jokes. SO EXCITING! yes some of you are probably thinking im way too ambitious, either that or you will be like my friend kaimin who said "eww thats so commercialised!" i never knew he turned into a pheobe...

Enjoying my block leave. Hope you guys are too!